Saturday, August 24, 2013

How to avoid Stress during Examinations? Tips

Examination fever or the examination stress is very common among the students. The pressure to get good marks is so much that some of the students falls seriously ill or are not able to perform due to the pressure. But students must understand that the examinations are just the assessment of what studies they have done in a term and it not the end of the world. It is advisable that the students do regular studies and avoid mugging up in the last minute of examinations.

Few tips that will help the students to avoid stress during examinations are as follows.

  • Organize – It is very important that the students get all the necessary things required for examination well in advance. This includes pen, pencils, watch, hall ticket, eraser etc. It will save the students from last minute search of things which is the cause of stress.
  • Diet – The student must follow a diet plan during examinations which is not very heavy and at the same time is very nutritious. Do not skip your meals as it may lead to fatigue and the student will concentrate more on their empty stomach then on exams. Always keep a bottle of water with you to keep yourself hydrated.
  • Relax – At the last minute, do not try to mug up new things. Revise what you have already learnt and keep a cool mind. Be confident of what you have studied. It is important that you give the exam with a refreshing mind. A tired mind will only cause more troubles by making you forget what you have learnt.
  • Plan – Once you get the question paper spend few minutes to go through all the questions. Plan properly how you want to divide your time for various questions. You must first attempt the questions that you know best.
  • Cross Check – try to finish your exam 10-15 minutes before the completion time. Always go through the answers that you have written to ensure that you have not written wrong answers. This will help you to correct the careless mistakes which in turn can make you lose lots of marks.
  •  Forget – The students must forget about the past examination and concentrate on next paper – A lot of time if our paper doesn’t go well as we have anticipated, we keep worrying about that. It is advisable that the students forget about the past exam because there is nothing they can do about it now. Focus on your next exams and try to cover up in rest of the examinations.
  • Sleep pattern – The most important aspect to avoid stress during examination is that you keep a proper sleep pattern. The examination lasts for several days and therefore, you must have a proper sleep to avoid feeling exhausted.

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